Volunteering Opportunities


Volunteer drivers deliver hot noon-time meals to home-bound seniors.   Meals are delivered Monday through Friday from nutrition site locations throughout the service area. Volunteers are needed for 1 to 5 days a week, midmornings for approximately 2 hours a day. A valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle are required. Supervision and training are provided. Drivers are eligible for travel reimbursement at a per mile rate.

Currently seeking volunteer drivers at all 9 Nutrition Centers located in
Dudley, Franklin, Milford, Northbridge, Southbridge, Spencer, West Brookfield, Upton, and Uxbridge. 
Please contact Barbara Valentini in the Nutrition Department for more information: phone: 508-949-6640 ex 3093 email: bvalentini@tves.org or apply here.



Volunteers help older adults with bill paying and other routine financial tasks such as balancing the checking account, setting up a budget and sorting mail. Supervision and training are provided.
Please contact the Money Management Program for more information: 508-949-6640 or apply here.


Volunteers assemble and package home-delivered meals and serve lunch at community dining center locations throughout the service area. Volunteers are needed for 1 to 5 days a week, midmornings for approximately 2 hours a day.  Supervision and training are provided.
Please contact Barbara Valentini in the Nutrition Department for more information: phone: 508-949-6640 ex 3093 email: bvalentini@tves.org or apply here.

Please contact the Nutrition Department for more information: 508-949-6640 or apply here.



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