A nutritious meal delivered by a friendly driver is much more than sustenance. It goes a long way in helping maintain independence. Meals on Wheels are provided short-term or long-term to homebound elders age 60 and older who are unable to prepare a nutritionally balanced meal for themselves. Cold evening meals and frozen weekend meals are also available for clients who have no other resources. Meals are delivered between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
There are no income guidelines for Meals on Wheels and no fee for the service but we do ask for a donation to help to pay for the program. The suggested donation amount of $3.00 per meal is reflected in a monthly donation statement. However, we never deny anyone a meal if they can’t afford to donate.
To make a referral to start delivery of Meals on Wheels, call Tri-Valley’s Information & Resource Department.
Click here to donate to March for Meals!