Personal Care Attendant

If you are seeking assistance through the Personal Care Attendant program, please prepare the necessary information for the enrollment process. 

Please have the following information available to begin the intake process:

  • Name of person in need, address and phone number
  • MassHealth ID#
  • Primary Care Physician name and phone number
  • When was the last time you were seen by this physician? *If your last visit was more than one year ago, you will need an appointment.
  • What is your medical diagnosis and what medications are you prescribed?
  • Do you need hands-on assistance with activities such as bathing, dressing, bathroom needs, eating, medications?
  • Do you receive other agency assistance to meet your care needs?
  • If yes, what agency/ies are you working with?
  • Having this information available will be helpful as you begin the intake process for the Personal Care Attendant program.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is now required for all PCA consumers and workers.
In-person and virtual training is available!

In person sessions at Tri-Valley, 10 Mill Street, Dudley MA
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Wednesday, May 7, 2025

10am and 2pm sessions in English
5pm session in Spanish

Click on the link to sign up:
Register for In-Person or Virtual Training – Tempus Unlimited

EVV Training: April 


The Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program helps people with chronic illnesses or permanent disabilities who are living in a home environment.  Consumers are allowed to hire, train and supervise their own Personal Care Attendant to assist with activities of daily living.  If the consumer is unable to manage this responsibility, a surrogate may be named to act in his or her place.

Services are state funded through MassHealth and are intended to allow for maximum independence.   There is no cost to the consumer for this service as long as their insurance coverage is active.

Consumer Eligibility:

  • Persons eligible for MassHealth Standard or CommonHealth coverage or enrolled in a SCO or One Care plan.
  • Who has seen their Primary Care Provider within the year and the Care Provider will sign off on the PCA Approval.
  • Who have a chronic or permanent disability for which they cannot perform ADLs without physical assistance.
  • Who need physical assistance with 2 or more Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) which include:  Mobility and transfers, Medications, Bathing and grooming, Dressing and Undressing, Eating, Toileting, Passive Range of Motion Exercises.

Personal Care Attendant Services:

The Personal Care Attendant employed by the consumer will be able to assist with bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, transfers, prescribed passive range of motion exercises and medication management.  Additionally, the PCA can assist with household tasks such as housekeeping, meal preparation, laundry, and shopping.   Consumers in this program may hire their friends, neighbors, or a family member to be the PCA.  Spouses, parents of children under the age of 18, legally responsible individuals or Surrogates/Administrative Proxys cannot be hired as PCAs.  Services cannot be duplicated or provided by other agencies.

Tri-Valley’s Role:

A Skills Trainer will conduct a home visit that will include an initial screening and information about the PCA program.  A nurse and occupational therapist will conduct a needs assessment and develop a plan of care.  The plan of care must then be approved by both MassHealth and the primary care provider.  Training will then begin to help the consumer develop skills to hire and direct a Personal Care Attendant.  The Skills Trainers also train the consumer about the necessary paperwork required by the Fiscal Intermediary, (Tempus) for payment to the PCA.  This is not an emergency service and may take three or more months to have the PCA service in place.

Attention Nurses and Occupational Therapists!

Per diem opportunities are always available.
Tri-Valley, Inc. Career Opportunities

PCA Area of Service:

Auburn, Bellingham, Blackstone, Brookfield, Charlton, Douglas, Dudley, E. Brookfield, Franklin, Hopedale, Holliston, Hopkinton, Leicester, Marlborough, Medway, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, Millis, Millville, Norfolk, Northborough, Northbridge, N. Brookfield, Oxford, Southborough, Southbridge, Spencer, Sturbridge, Sutton, Upton, Uxbridge, Warren, Webster, W. Brookfield, Westborough, Worcester & Wrentham

For PCA Services:

Start by contacting Tri-Valley’s PCA Department: or (508) 949-6640 and ask to speak to the PCA Staff member on call.

Hiring a PCA or looking for work as a PCA – go to the Mass PCA Directory –  The directory will put those needing PCAs in direct contact with PCAs looking for work.

Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) and Job Seekers: Check out the NEW how-to training videos! Learn how easy it is to register, setup your profile, search for a PCA job and respond to messages using the Mass PCA Directory!

The Office of Aging & Independence is excited to share the new stand-alone website for the free Personal and Home Care Aide State Training (PHCAST) online. The website is available in English, Spanish/Español and Haitian Creole/Kreyòl ayisyen. PHCAST online teaches the roles and responsibilities of a Home Care Aide, including skills like active listening, nutrition planning, housekeeping, working with consumers, recognizing abuse and neglect, handling emergency situations, and more.

The Mass PCA directory is sponsored by the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Workforce Council and it offers a comprehensive and current list of people in Massachusetts who are ready to provide personal care and consumers who are hiring PCAs. Visit to get started!

Tempus Unlimited Fiscal Intermediary

Tempus Website
PCA New Hire Paperwork
PCA Paid Family and Medical Leave information


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